Thursday, April 26, 2007

Penguins and rabbits

Yesterday was Anzac Day in New Zealand. It commemorates the landing of their solidiers in Gallipoli. Nearly 3,000 were killed.

It was also World Penguin Day, as 25th April is the day the penguins in the Antarctic head up north. I didn't have any penguins to hand, nor a black and white suit (the day's required dress) in my wardrobe. Neither did I partake in the Anzac Day gunfire breakfast (coffee with rum) at dawn. Nevertheless, I marked both occasions with a latté and a freshly baked Anzac cookie at work later in the day.

I came home to an announcement in the letterbox that a rabbit had been found three times. I hadn't lost a rabbit so I didn't pursue it but it's nice to know some things are found alive and well.

Even if they've lost their owners.

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