Sunday, December 31, 2006

Eat, drink and be merry?

If you woke up feeling somewhat delicate on the first day of 2007, this pub landlord must have had a bad morning-after some weeks ago.

Don't worry though - it's not a sign of things to come in my book.

There'll be plenty more wine adventures in 2007.

With lots of food thrown in, too, just for good measure.

In fact, I'm off for my first fish n' chips of the year right now.

Will let you know if they're any good.

Bonne année and bon appétit...

1 comment:

Beccy said...

I can verify that the land lord was indeed a very wise man. Having just got back from seeing the new year in in Wales - drinking is indeed unhealthy - on the flip side, everything does seem that bit funnier after a tipple.